Assist. M. Sc. Daniel Tomic (1991) graduated at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (structural devision) at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje in 2013. In the 2013/2014 academic year, he enrolled in the international postgraduate studies at the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS). As part of his postgraduate studies, he successfully completed a one-semester exchange program from September 2014 to February 2015 at the University of Naples, Federico II (Secondo), Italy, at the Department of “Engineering and Architectural Structures.” He completed his Master’s degree in 2018 in the field of earthquake engineering, with a focus on seismic risk analysis of existing and planned buildings and building typologies.
- Sc. Daniel Tomic is currently an assistant and doctoral candidate at the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) in the Department of Risk, Disaster Management, and Strategic Planning at the “St. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje. His primary research focus is seismic hazard analysis, vulnerability, and risk, as well as disaster management and emergency response, and strategic planning in the field of disaster risk reduction. These are also the topics of his doctoral dissertation. As part of his doctoral studies, he successfully completed a two-week stay at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Weimar, Germany, in 2023. He has participated in several seminars and workshops, including: South Eastern European Graduate School for Master and Ph.D. Formation in Engineering (SEEFORM) by German Academic Exchange Service, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2015); NATO SfP-984374 BSHAP-2 Project: 5th (Final) Project Workshop on the Improvement of the Harmonized Seismic Hazard Maps for the Western Balkan Countries, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2015); Seismic Hazard Maps of the Republic of Macedonia, 12th Annual Meeting of CEN&CENELEC, Current Status of the Eurocodes in the Balkan Region, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2016); Seismic Zoning Maps of the Republic of Macedonia according to the requirements of MKS EN 1998-1:2004-Eurocode 8, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2016); Expert Forum “Seismic Resistance of Buildings”, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2016); IZIIS efforts towards Seismic Hazard Assessment of Macedonia, Infra-NAT project workshop on “Bridge Exposure Data Collection”, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2018); Expert Meeting, Advanced Innovative Super-Insulating Materials for Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2019); Expert Meeting, Collapse of the POLCEVERA MORANDI Bridge in Genoa in 2018, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2019); Expert Meeting, Design and Harmony of Bridges, Skopje, N. Macedonia, (2019); Eurocodes Balkan Summer School – Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings organized by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), (2021); MOHO Science and Technology H, V, H/V, Italy, (2021); MOHO Science and Technology, Experimental Dynamic Characterization of Structures, Italy, (2021); OpenQuake Online Course, Modules I, II, III, and IV, (2023); EFEHR Webinar: GEM’s Vulnerability Modellers’ Toolkit, (2023); ETRiS – Geo-INQUIRE online training course: Empirical Fragility and Vulnerability Curves for Risk Analysis (VA2-35-1), (2023).
He is one of the authors involved in the preparation of the national annexes, the Seismic Zoning Maps of the Republic of Macedonia according to the requirements of MKS EN 1998-1:2004-Eurocode 8. He has participated in post-earthquake missions: the earthquake in central Italy (2016); the earthquake in Skopje (2016); the earthquake in Ohrid (2017); the earthquake in Albania (2019). For his work on the earthquake in Albania, he received a certificate of special appreciation from the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Skopje. He is an active participant in internal projects, including INFRA-NAT (783298) – UCPM-2017-PP-AG – Increased Resilience of Critical Infrastructure to Natural and Human-Induced Hazards (2018) and the project “Eq-DAT: Upgrade and Modernization of the Existing IZIIS Methodology for Damage and Loss Assessment from Earthquakes” (2020). He has published numerous scientific papers at national and international conferences and technical reports. He is actively involved in the professional and applied work at UKIM-IZIIS, as well as in the work of expert committees and working groups in the preparation of opinions on the designed and as-built level of mechanical resistance, stability, and seismic protection of buildings in the Republic of North Macedonia. He is a member of the Macedonian Association for Earthquake Engineering (MAEE) and the Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers of Macedonia (KOMORAOAI).