Tor the achievements and efforts toward building a seismically resilient society and successful cooperation with different institutions, organizations and companies in the course of its existence, the Institute has received  numerous awards, recognitions and certificates of merit. Noteworthy among these are the following:

November Award of the Skopje City

for results achieved in construction of Skopje (1968).

11 October Award

as the highest social recognition for particularly important achievements in sciences of interest for the country (1974).

AVNOJ (Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia) AWARD

as an extraordinary social recognition for creation and work of general importance for the development of the country in the sphere of technical sciences (1982).

Mexico National Award “11 September”

for contribution of the Institute to the solidarity after the earthquakes of 19 and 20 September 1985 (1985).

Medal for merits for Macedonia

awarded by the President of the Republic of Macedonia (2015)