Selected international projects realized within the scope of the applicative activities of IZIIS since 2010:
- Geophysical Surveys of Nish – Plochnik Motorway, Section 3, 14+280-27+096 in R. Serbia, 2020
- Seismic Certification of Partition Walls and Cleanroom Systems According to AC156, 2019
- Kosova E RE Power Plant Project (KRPP) – Seismic Study, Earthquake Engineering Study and Geophysical Study, 2019
- Out of plane shake table testing of brick masonry infill walls with and without “seismic” wall paper, 2018
- Seismic Test – Qualification Report for Combined Instrument Transformer Type VAU-245, 2018
- Seismic Qualification by Time History Shake Table Testing of Surge Arrester According to Acceptance criteria TET-APG-N-0001 Rev. 2013-10-28, 2018
- Force – Displacement Relationship for Clamp and Dowel Connections between Masonry Blocks, 2017
- Maintenance of Analogue SMA-1 and Digital Seismic Monitoring Systems and Replacement of Used Installations, Piva Dam, Montenegro, 2017
- Seismic monitoring of a tailings dam near Zvornik, Republika Srpska, BiH, 2016
- Definition of seismic design parameters, Support for Construction of Integra Cultural and Sport Facility, Mostar, BIH, 2015
- Seismic safety of the OSCE mission building in Kosovo, (seismic potential of the site, in-situ tests of the structure, situational analysis), 2014
- Assessment of Seismic Hazard and Risk in Emirate of Abu Dhabi, 2010-2013
- Innovative methodology for seismic retrofitting using RÖFIX SismaClace system, (standardization, modeling, experimental verification), 2012
- Seismic Microzonation of Gjilan, Kosovo, 2012
- Study on Seismicity of the Region of Grancharevo Dam and Bileca Reservoir in the Period 1999 – 2009, 2011
- Consultancy services for Deep Construction Pit ENK Complex, Prishtina, Kosovo, 2011
- Reconstruction and seismic retrofitting of the blown-up Cathedral Church in Mostar, 2011
- In Situ Testing of Damaged Monuments in Abruzzo Region, L’Aquila, Italy, by Ambient Vibration Method, 2010
- Seismic microzonning of Ulpijana Settlement, Pristina, Kosovo, 2010