Selected national projects realized within the scope of the applicative activities of IZIIS (since 2010):
- Assessment of the Current Structural Condition of the Building Student Dormitory “Kuzman Josifovski Pitu” Skopje (2024)
- Application of Polyurethanes for Designing and Repairing Beam-to-Column Connections in Reinforced Concrete Structures (02.2022 – 02.2023)
- Stability Analysis with a Technical Solution for Strengthening the Structure of the Sokolana Building in Kumanovo (2021)
- Analysis of the Current Structural Condition of the Building of the University Clinic for Hematology, Clinical Center “Mother Teresa” in Skopje (2021)
- Analysis of the current situation of the Old Theater Kumanovo / ARHIUM-Skopje (2020)
- Reconstruction of Memorial Park-House, Memorial ossuary Kumanovo / Municipality of Kumanovo (2020)
- Technical solution for strengthening Hotel Thessaloniki / Municipality of Kumanovo (2020)
- Analysis of the current situation of the Office building of MAKSTIL / MAKSTIL DOO Skopje (2020)
- Studies for diagnosis of existing state, seismic potential of the site, in situ non-destructive testing, structural consolidation and seismic retrofitting of historic monument structures: Charshi Mosque – Prilep (2020), Orta-Mosque, Kurshumli An – Skopje (2017), The House of Shkaperda family – Italian Embassy in Skopje (2016), the church of St. George – Kurbinovo (2015), the monastic compound of the Holy Virgin, Treskavec – Prilep (2014), the church of St. George – Staro Nagorichane (2014), the church of St. George – Kurbinovo (2015), the church of the Holy Virgin Peribleptos – Ohrid (2013), Mustafa Pasha mosque – Skopje (2007 – 2010).
- Design of seismically resistant structural systems for reconstruction of historic monuments in the country: the church of St. Panteleimon – Ohrid, the church of St. Athanasius – Leshok, the Orthodox church of the Holy Virgin – Skopje, in continuity.
- Study of the existing state and interventions for seismic upgrading of the structures of Makedonski Telekom buildings in Skopje and Probishtip, 2018 – 2020.
- Design of seismic strengthening of existing structures of important public, health and administrative buildings: Correctional facility – Bitola (2019), Ministry of Transportation and Communications (2014), Public Institute General Hospital – Ohrid (2012), Parliament building of R. N. Macedonia (2008 – 2012), Public Institution General Hospital – Struga (2010), Public Institution General Hospital – Kichevo (2008), Correctional facility – Kumanovo, Government of R. N. Macedonia, in continuity.
- Evaluation of the seismic potential of sites anticipated for construction of new kindergartens (Bitola, Gostivar, Skopje, Pehchevo, Prilep, Strumica, v. Josifovo, v. Bosilovo, Probishtip, v. Sopishte, K. Palanka, v. Blace, M. Kamenica, v. Trubarevo, v. Klukovec, v. Angelci, etc.), in continuity.
- Consulting services for the South Boulevard complex, seismic potential of the site, protection of the construction pit, underground traffic line, buildings and a shopping centre, 2013 – to date.
- DYMOND Mixed Use Center, Skopje (revision of structural system, consulting services in the phase of construction, experimental tests on precast floor slabs), 2013 – underway.
- Experimental definition of the dynamic characteristics of the Correctional facility in Bitola by use of the ambient vibration method, 2019.
- Evaluation of effects and recommendation of measures from trial mining for construction of A2 motorway, Kichevo-Ohrid section, Part km14 + 280 to km 14 + 620, 2019.
- Testing of the seismic stability of the roof structure of the VIP arena (sports centre Boris Trajkovski, Skopje) due to additional loading with acoustical sports led-screen with traffic lights, 2019.
- Kozjak dam – Seismic monitoring, maintenance and servicing of strong motion instruments, 2019.
- Study on the seismic stability of hydrotiling no. 4, Sasa mine, 2019.
- Seismic zoning maps of R. Macedonia, National Annex to Eurocode 8, FN MKC EN 1998-1/HA: 2018, 2018.
- Static and seismic analysis of additional structure upon structure-B for pharmacological production within the circle of Alkaloid AD, Skopje, 2018.
- Study on usability of Tisovec tunnel for the existing regime of exploitation and technical solution for its reuse as tunnel under stress, 2018.
- Quasi-static testing of the connection between the structure of the steel platform and the reinforced-concrete core of the antenna system for control and monitoring of radiofrequencies in the territory of Macedonia, 2017.
- Testing of overpass OP1 – OP-6 along Demir Kapija – Smokvica Section, with trial loading (Motorway A1), 2017.
- Geophysical investigations for the new railway line – Kriva Palanka – border on Bulgaria, part of Corridor 8, 2017.
- Geophysical measurement of locations of structures along the alignment of the newly designed motorway, Bukojchani – Kichevo section – structure: Underpass 4 + 024, 2017.
- Project – Concept of seismicity of locations of large power plants, AD Elektrani na Makedonia (Macedonian Power Plants), in state ownership, Skopje, 2017.
- Geophysical investigations for the new railway line – Kriva Palanka – border on Bulgaria, part of Corridor 8, 2016.
- Cevahir Sky City residential complex (revision of the structural system, forced vibration testing), 2014 – 2016.
- Expertise and super-revision of design documentation – construction phase of the newly designed important public and administrative buildings: Macedonia Philharmonic (2016), PET Centre – Town Hospital, Skopje (2012), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010), Constitutional Court (2009-2010).
- Study on the possibilities and conditions for widening of Goce Delchev boulevard with solution for adaptation and strengthening of Makoteks building, Skopje, 2013 – 2015.
- Static computation, proportioning and nonlinear dynamic analysis of the structural units of the New Clinical Block “Mother Theresa”, 2013 – 2014.
- Geophysical surveys for the technological development zone Delchevo, 2014.
- Definition of seismic parameters of the site of St. George church in v. Kurbinovo, 2014.
- Upgrading of the information system for inventory and monitoring of the seismic stability and safety of existing structures in Karposh municipality with new attributes – GIS environment, 2012 – 2013.
- Analytical and experimental verification of the seismic stability and safety of existing structures in the territory of Karposh municipality – Experimental non-destructive tests for definition of real dynamic characteristics of structures by application of the ambient vibration method, 2012.
- Consolidation of the old Clock-Tower – Prilep, strengthening of the foundation structure, 2012.
- Seismic reflection investigations of the hydrogeological system on the location of the church of the Holy Saviour – Upper Matka, Skopje, 2012.
- Experimental testing of the monastic complex of the Holy Virgin Peribleptos in Ohrid by application of the ambient vibration method, 2011.
- Industrial complex Johnson Matthey, technological-industrial development zone (TIR3), Bunardzik, Skopje – Definition of seismic potential of the site, 2010.
- Definition of the seismic potential of the site for the new airport buildings on the Skopje and Ohrid airports, 2010.