The Institute has continuously been applying knowledge gained through the scientific-research activities in the professional engineering practice of design and construction of modern earthquake-resistant structures. With its engagements, expert and consulting services, IZIIS has considerably been present on both national and international market (United Arab Emirates, Canada, Turkey, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, etc.).
The engagements of the Institute have most frequently been related to the following fields:
- Regional and detailed studies on seismic hazard;
- Studies for analysis and processing of strong motion records, design and maintenance of networks;
- Geophysical surveys for soil characterization by application of different methodologies;
- Microzoning and definition of the seismic potential of sites with definition of seismic design parameters;
- Analysis of geotechnical hazards, landslides, excavations, underground changes of underground water level, liquefaction occurrence, etc.;
- Design of new structures of special importance, seismic safety and security, rehabilitation, reuse, building of additional storeys, reconstruction or strengthening of existing structures which have necessitated a number of previous experimental, laboratory and field investigations and subsequent detailed analyses of their behavior under an earthquake;
- Design and analysis of RC and steel structures: bridges, dams, industrial halls, silos, chimneys, different energy supply structures, specific high structures, etc.;
- Investigation of seismic isolation systems applicable for seismic isolation of new and revitalization of existing bridge structures and facilities;
- Testing of bridge structures by trial loading;
- Diagnosis, strengthening and reconstruction of engineering structures;
- Experimental investigations for seismic qualification, testing of new materials and methodologies for seismic strengthening of structures;
- Experimental investigations for verification and calibration of newly developed sophisticated numerical models for different types of structures;
- Testing and practical application of new technologies for control of structural response to earthquakes and other dynamic effects for the purpose of building modern and safer structures;
- Integration of protection of cultural heritage in national and regional programmes in the frames of policies for reduction of consequences of natural disasters;
- Seismic monitoring of structures (dams, bridges, high buildings, etc.) for the purpose of providing data on structural response and verification of seismic parameters;
- Regional and detailed studies of seismic vulnerability and risk;
- Recommendations for planning, design and construction in seismically active regions, protection against natural and technological disasters, preparation and improvement of technical regulations, standards and codes for seismic design of structures.
In the period 2010 to date, IZIIS has realized over 600 applicative projects most of which representing engineering challenges at national, regional and international level. The fruitful cooperation with big international companies like Limak, Max Aicher, Cevahir, Lindner, Siemens, Kinemetric, Rade Konchar, TAV, Put Inzenjering, Irgo, Arup, Gerb, Rofix, Johnson Matthey, IDOM etc. is only to confirm the international reputation of IZIIS as a reliable and required partner.