Dejan Ivanovski (1991) graduated on the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje, construction study program in 2015. In the academic 2015/2016 he was enrolled in the second cycle of the International Post-graduate Studies that are held at the “Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS)” in Skopje. During the studies he was a part of the “Erasmus+” program, with 5 months stay in Naples, Italy, at the university of “Federico II”. He has submitted master’s thesis with title “Comparative analysis and design of retaining structures according to the current practice and Eurocodes”.
His wider field of interest includes geotechnical engineering, analysis of structures in the field of geotechnics and buildings, definition of local soil parameters with evaluation of the seismic dynamic parameters for the location, experimental geotechnical investigations.
Dejan Ivanovski is а professional associate and young reseаrcher in IZIIS since 2015, actively included in various applicative projects, diagnostics, retrofitting and strengthening of seismic resistant structures, аs well as in the work of professional commissions and working groups related to elaboration of opinions about designed and as-built level of mechanical resistance, stability and seismic protection of structures in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Also, he was active participant in several scientific conferences and symposiums. He is participant in the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics (MAG) and Chamber of Authorized Architects and Engineers.