Dr. Aleksandra Bogdanovic (1979) graduated on the Civil Engineering Faculty in Skopje, in 2003. In the academic 2004/2005, she was enrolled in the second cycle of International Post-graduate Studies that were held at the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) within the frames of the SEEFORM-programme – DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program). In 2006, she took her master degree in the Earthquake Engineering field, in the domain of Structural Control. Her wider field of interest includes earthquake engineering, experimental testing and analysis of structures, whereas her specific domain of research is related to controlled of structures with passive devices. In this domain, she elaborated her doctoral thesis within the DAAD/SEEFORM programme and successfully defended it in 2014. Presently, Dr. Aleksandra Bogdanovic holds the position of professor at the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS), Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. She is head of the Department for Dynamic Testing and Informatics and lecturer in five subjects in the frames of the postgraduate and doctoral studies, namely, “Analysis and Design of Base Isolated Structures and Passive Energy Dissipation Systems”; “Structural Control”; Nonstructural Elements; New technologies for design of structures and Fundamentals of Experimental Mechanics and Monitoring. Since 2003, she has actively taken part in a number of scientific-research and applicative projects noteworthy among which are FP7 SERIES project (2009-2013, grant no. 227887.), FP7 project UREDITEME (2009-2012, grant no. 230099) and H2020 SERA project (2017-2020, grant no. 730900) as deputy assistant within WP14. She has also actively participated in European projects: Comprehensive Risk Assessment of Basic Services and Transport Infrastructure (CRISIS), European Union Civil Protection Mechanism Project (101004830 | UCPM-2020-PP-AG 2020-2022), PARFORCE-KA226 – Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness and ERASMUS+ 2021-2023, Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies-ERIES, HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01-07, 2022-2026; Integrative strengthening of seismic risk awareness-ISRA, EUROPEAN COMMISSION UCPM-2022-PP, 2022-2024. She is regional editor for West Europe of the indexed International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering as well as editor of ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction Society of Civil Engineers, USA (WoS and Scopus Indexed). She is also guest editor of Earthquake Engineering in Frontiers Open Journals, CiteScore 2.14 Scopus Indexed. She is a member of Scientific Board – CAPRIS – Center for Advanced and Postdoctoral Research. Prof. Dr. Bogdanovic has participated in a number of seminars and workshops for elementary schools aimed at raising of public awareness about protection against earthquakes as well as trainings, post-earthquake missions and lectures. She has published a large number of scientific papers in journals and papers in proceedings of national and international conferences, professional reports and chapters of books. She has been reviewer of projects of the Innovation Fund within the frames of different calls. She is actively involved in the professional-applicative activities of UKIM-IZIIS as well as in the work of professional commissions and working groups related to elaboration of opinions about designed and as-built level of mechanical resistance, stability and seismic protection of structures in the Republic of North Macedonia. In 2005, she received the prestigious award “Engineering Ring” from the Engineering Institution of Macedonia, as the best student of the Civil Engineering Faculty in Skopje. Prof. Dr. Bogdanovic has also been awarded a recognition by the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers – MASE for special achievement in structural engineering as well as a recognition for special structural engineering scientific achievement for her independent scientific research work – doctoral thesis (2015). She is member of the Macedonian Association for Earthquake Engineering MAEE, the European Association for Earthquake Engineers as well as the Macedonian Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers of the Republic of N. Macedonia. She is also member of expert groups working on adoption of national annexes for our country within Eurocodes.