Professor (PhD) Veronika Shendova
PhD in Earthquake Engineering (1998) – Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, UKIM–IZIIS, Skopje
M.Sc. in Earthquake Engineering (1988) – Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, UKIM–IZIIS, Skopje
B.Sc. Graduated Civil Engineer (1984) – Civil Engineering Faculty, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje
Academic аappointments: Professor (2008-) on IZIIS master studies (Non-linearity in Engineering Materials; Masonry Structures; Introduction to Repair and Strengthening of Building Structures), and IZIIS doctoral studies (Advanced Engineering Materials; Design of Seismic Resistant Building Structures; Seismic Resistance of Existing Buildings; Repair and Strengthening of Building Structures; Diagnostics and monitoring of existing structures state)
Professional appointments: member of the National commission of UNESCO for Republic North Macedonia (2024-); Vise President of Macedonian National Committee ICOMOS (2021-); Member of the TC/250 Mirror Committee TK 40 (WG6) within Standardization Institute of the Republic of Norh Macedonia (2019-); Director of the European Centre for Vulnerability of Industrial and Lifeline Systems-ECILS (2019-); Head of IZIIS Department: Building Structures and Materials – Design, Analysis and Testing (2007-2024); Member of IZIIS Scientific Council for master study programme (2017-2024); Member of IZIIS Commission for self-evaluation (2020-2024); Member of IZIIS Commission for accreditation of second and third cycle study programs in structural and earthquake engineering (2023); Member of the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University Doctoral School (2016-2023); National Contact Point for “Spreading of excellence and widening of participation” priority, EU Horizon 2020 (2014-2021); Coordinator of the International Course on Aseismic Design and Construction-CADAC (2003-2007)
Working experience: 35 years of experience in research, education and application in the field of earthquake engineering with a focus on the evaluation of seismic resistance of structures of existing buildings, with a significant number of papers published at international conferences and professional journals, participation in several international research projects (funded by Tempus, FP7, Phare, COST, H2020, World Bank), with a special interest and expertise in the field of earthquake protection and promotion of cultural and historical heritage buildings
Awards: MASE award for best scientific–research achievement in structural engineering (1998); State award “Goce Delcev” for scientific achievement in Republic of Macedonia (2004); UKIM award for contribution in development and affirmation of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (2005); MASE award for best scientific research achievement in the field of design of structures (executive project for reconstruction of St. Merry Church in Skopje) (2005)