Dr. Goran Jekic was born in 1978 in Skopje. He graduated in 2005 from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. In the 2006/2007 academic year, he commenced the second cycle of international postgraduate studies at the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) at the same university. He earned his master’s degree in Earthquake Engineering in 2010. In 2011, he enrolled in master’s studies in Disaster Management Policies – Earthquake Engineering at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo, Japan, as a recipient of a scholarship from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), completing this degree in 2012 with a focus on Structural Health Monitoring. He received his Ph.D. degree in UKIM-IZIIS in 2016 in the field of Structural Health Monitoring. Dr. Jekic’s scientific and professional activities encompass earthquake engineering, experimental testing of structures, design of seismically resistant buildings, analysis, rehabilitation, and strengthening of structures. In March 2023, he was appointed as an associate professor at UKIM-IZIIS in the department “Building Structures and Materials: Design, Analysis, and Testing,” where he teaches at the second and third cycle studies in Earthquake Engineering. He lectures on the following second-cycle courses: Dynamics of Structures; Reinforced Concrete Structures; Introduction to MATLAB and its Application in Engineering Analyses; and Masonry Structures. For third-cycle studies, he teaches: Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology; Dynamics of Structures in Earthquake Engineering; General Principles for Designing Seismically Resistant Building Structures; Advanced Application of MATLAB for Solving Engineering Problems; Advanced Dynamics of Structures; Design of Seismically Resistant Building Structures; and Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Building Structures. Since 2007, Dr. Jekic has actively participated in numerous applied and scientific research projects. He has been involved in seminars and workshops for primary schools aimed at raising public awareness about earthquake protection, post-earthquake missions of UKIM-IZIIS for assessing the usability of structures in affected areas domestically and regionally, training sessions, lectures, evaluations of seismic safety of healthcare facilities, and structures of societal importance. He has published scientific and professional papers at national and international conferences, expert reports, journals, and book chapters. Dr. Jekic is one of the authors of the peer-reviewed textbook “Application of MATLAB for Solving Problems in Structural and Earthquake Engineering” and a co-author of the “Manual for Designing Seismically Resistant Buildings According to Eurocode 8”, published by the Chamber of Authorized Architects and Engineers. As of October 2024, he has been appointed as the head of the department “Building Structures and Materials: Design, Analysis, and Testing.” He is actively involved in the professional and applied work of UKIM-IZIIS, participating in expert committees and working groups responsible for providing opinions on the design and construction stages concerning mechanical resistance, stability, and seismic protection of buildings in the Republic of North Macedonia. In 2017, he received recognition from the Society of Civil Engineers of the Republic of North Macedonia (DGKM) for outstanding achievements in civil engineering and notable contributions to scientific research. He is a member of the Macedonian Association for Earthquake Engineering (MAEE) and the Chamber of Authorized Architects and Engineers of the Republic of North Macedonia. Additionally, he has been a member of working groups for adopting the national annexes of the Republic of North Macedonia into the European standards for structural design (Eurocodes).