We have rounded off the Open Days series of events within the program “IZIIS for Skopje”.
This time, in synergy with the one-day, thematic conference “4S – Skopje Summer Seismic Stop” organized by the Civil Engineering Faculty within UKIM in Skopje, whose attendees were professors and students from the faculty, representatives of construction professionals, companies, professors from abroad and representatives of KNAUF.
In the past period, we dedicated these special days to achieving a deeper understanding of seismic activities, promoting education, and providing a unique possibility for the public to familiarize themselves with our team of experts and the equipment of our Institute.
The events included a series of activities that enabled the visitors to get insight into different aspects of seismology. Presentation of the three laboratories was included as follows:
- The Mobile Laboratory EQ-MOBI-LAB
- The Dynamic Testing Laboratory DYNLAB
- The Laboratory for Dynamics of Soils and Foundations GEOLAB
In addition to the laboratories, part of the equipment for non-destructive tests was demonstrated as well, a real earthquake effect was simulated on a model placed on a shaking table, and a real earthquake effect was simulated on a soil specimen on a triaxial apparatus for static and dynamic testing.
Deep gratitude is accorded to all visitors, volunteers, and collaborators that contributed to the success of these events. Your presence, participation, and enthusiasm considerably contributed to our mission aimed at advancing knowledge, promotion of safety, and a profound understanding of seismic phenomena.