We resume our educational program with the students from “Georgi Dimitrov” High School. With our visit, we successfully held the sixth interactive workshop under the motto “IZIIS for Skopje”. The occasion was to mark 60 years since the Skopje earthquake, and the purpose was to increase awareness about protection against earthquakes among the youth.
The students took part in the workshop by actively enriching their knowledge about earthquakes as natural phenomena and their effect on people and structures.
Using practical and educational tools, different models of structures exposed to earthquakes were created, instigating curiosity among the youths, particularly about structures’ behavior exposed to seismic excitations.
Interactive methods of education helped them come to conclusions and hence recognize the general principles of the construction of seismically stable buildings. This inspired interest in the STEM concept (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) that prepares new generations for an environment that is constantly transforming.