Roberta Apostolska

Prof. Dr.
Roberta Apostolska


D-r Roberta Apostolska (1967). Professor – Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures.

University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (01/10/1995 – 05/06/2003) -Doctor of technical science in the field of earthquake engineering
University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (01/10/1992 – 12/07/1995)-Master of technical science in the field of earthquake engineering
University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (01/10/1986 – 12/07/1991)-Bachelor’s degree, Graduated civil engineer

Position held:
Deputy Director for Science and Education of IZIIS (2017-now); Coordinator of the doctoral programme of IZIIS (2017-now); Coordinator of the Scientific Council of the master study programmes of IZIIS (2017-now); UKIM-IZIIS ERASMUS coordinator (2014-now); Member of the ”Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University Senate (2016-2017); Member of ISRSM – Mirror TC250-TC40 Committee on Eurocodes (2019-now); Seconded expert at the European Commission, (2013-2014); Expert – EC Experts’ pool (2015-now); Member of the Executive Board of Macedonian Association of Earthquake Engineering – MAEE and national delegate to the European Association of Earthquake Engineering – EAEE (2018-now).

Almost 30 years of relevant experience in seismic design and assessment of reinforced concrete and masonry structures with more than 70 publications in the field. She participated and was principal investigator of several national, bilateral and international projects (the last ones financed by EC, WB, USAID).

On-going international projects:
(1) Comprehensive RISk assessment of basic services and transport InfraStructure (CRISIS), European Union Civil Protection Mechanism Project (101004830 | UCPM-2020-PP-AG 2020-2022),
(2) PARFORCE-KA226 – Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness, ERASMUS+ 2021-2023.
(3) Learn to be Resilient – (L2BR), European Union Civil Protection Mechanism Project (101017950 – L2BR – UCPM-2020-KN-AG, 2021-2022)

Research, Teaching and Application in Earthquake Engineering; Participation in the accreditation of IZIIS post graduate study programmes; Providing scientific and technical contribution in the context of the EC JRC support work to DG ENTR for the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes; Editor of “Experimental Research in Earthquake Engineering: EU-SERIES Concluding workshop” SPRINGER Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering Edition (ISBN 978-3-319-10135-4) (2015).