Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska (Velkovska) is full time professor at the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (UKIM IZIIS). She has been employee of the Institute since 1983. She took her master degree and doctoral degree from UKIM IZIIS in 1995 and 2002, respectively.
After being awarded doctoral degree, she was on a post-doctoral study stay at Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, within the frames of the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD). She stayed at the University of Berkeley in California (USA) within the Fulbright programme (2007 – 2008) and at the Stuttgart university (Germany) within the DAAD programme (2010-2011). In 2014, through the ERASMUS programme, she stayed at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University in Ljubljana as lecturer in the subject “Engineering Structures – Dams”.
Her expertise includes earthquake engineering, static and dynamic analysis of dams. Since the very beginning of working at the Institute, particularly within the frames of the master, doctoral and post-doctoral studies, Prof. Mircevska has intensively been working on development of the ADAD-IZIIS software that is specially written for analysis of all types of dams.
She has published a considerable number of papers in scientific journals with impact factor and in proceedings from international conferences. She has participated in several international research projects and numerous applicative projects in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia. She has been reviewer of about thirty scientific papers in the field of earthquake engineering to be published in renowned scientific journals with an impact factor.
Prof. Mircevska is member of MAAA (Macedonian – American Alumni Association), MASE (Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers), the Macedonian Committeee for High Dams (MCOLD) and the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics. She was also member of the DYNET/SEEFORM Steering Committee ( 2012-2018).