Prof. Dr.sc Igor Gjorgjiev, is Full Professor in Earthquake Engineering at Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology – IZIIS, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. He graduated on the Civil Engineering Faculty, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, in 1999. In 2004, he took his master’s degree in the Earthquake Engineering field, entitled “Implementation of optimal rubber bearings for base isolation of primary school Pestalozzi”. His doctoral titled “Development Of Analytical Model Of Fiber Reinforced Rubber Bearings Based On Expiremental Results” was within the DAAD/SEEFORM programme and successfully defended it in 2011. Presently, Prof. Dr.sc Igor Gjorgjiev is lecturer in several subjects in the frames of the postgraduate and doctoral studies, namely, “Structural Analysis” and “Introduction in Matlab and its use in engineering analysis”, “Finite Element Analysis”, “Seismic Analysis and design of special structures”. Since 2000, he has actively taken part in a number of scientific-research and applicative projects noteworthy among which are NATO SfP-978028 (2004-2007), FP7 SERIES project (2009-2013, grant no. 227887.), FP7 project UREDITEME (2009-2012, grant no. 230099), H2020 SERA project (2017-2020, grant no. 730900) and CRISIS: Comprehensive RISk assessment of basic services and transport InfraStructure (UCPM-2020-PP-AG; GA-101004830). He is actively involved in the professional-applicative activities of UKIM-IZIIS as well as in the work of professional commissions and working groups related to elaboration of opinions about designed and as-built level of mechanical resistance, stability and seismic protection of structures in the Republic of North Macedonia. He has also been awarded a recognition by the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers – MASE for special achievement in structural engineering as well as a recognition for special structural engineering scientific achievement for her independent scientific research work – doctoral thesis (2011). He is member of Macedonian Association of Earthquake Engineering MAEE and European Association of Earthquake Engineering EAEE. He has published many scientific papers in journals and papers in proceedings of national and international conferences, professional reports and chapters of books. He is also an author of many modern computing programs in field of structural and earthquake engineering.
The main topics of his research are the linear and nonlinear analysis and design of concrete and steel structures, evaluation of earthquake stability of structures, earthquake protection of structures by use of base isolation, experimental laboratory and field investigations, signal processing, structural health monitoring, operational modal analysis, evaluation of the capacity of RC structures, development of constitutive laws (ANSYS, custom software, …), development of the custom software in the field of structural and earthquake engineering in .NET, C++ and Matlab.