MScs. Filip Manojlovski is a PhD student and research assistant at the Institute of earthquake engineering and engineering seismology, university ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. He received his diploma at the Faculty of civil engineering and then continued his master studies at the Institute of earthquake engineering and engineering seismology. He successfully realized many international stays, such as Erasmus semester at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, summer school at Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany, trainee period at the Joint research center in Ispra, Italy, earthquake engineering conferences throughout Europe etc. As a part of the Dynamic testing laboratory at IZIIS he took part in many experimental activities performed in the laboratory or in situ. The testing techniques seismic response by shake table testing, determination of dynamic characteristics by ambient and forced vibrations measurements, quasi-static testing etc. He is member of Macedonian Association of Earthquake Engineering MAEE, Chamber of certified architects and certified engineers of Republic of N. Macedonia and ICOMOS Macedonia.