Листа на референтни национални научноистражувачки проекти реализирани од 2010 г. (во оригинал на англиски јазик):
- Development of new methodology for assessment of natural catastrophes such as Liquefaction Risk Mitigation; 2018-2020 (Билатерален проект со Австрија)
- Study on supporting structures for earthquake emergency rescue; 2018-2019 (Билатерален проект Н.Р. Кина)
- Development of seismic resilient precast cladding systems; 2017-2018 (Билатерален проект со Словенија)
- Study on strong ground motion simulation for structural seismic analysis; 2016-2017 (Билатерален проект со Н.Р. Кина)
- Behavior of tall buildings under seismic and wind force; 2016-2017 (Билатерален проект со Н.Р. Кина)
- Vulnerability assessment of RC structures including soil flexibility; 2014-2015 (Билатерален проект со Н.Р. Кина)
- Neo-deterministic seismic hazard analysis; 2011-2013 (Билатерален проект со Кина)
- Seismic resistance of timber-structural glass systems with optimal energy dissipation; 2010-2012 (Билатерален проект со Хрватска)
- Development and application of seismic base-isolation system for reservoirs and buildings based on the concept of »Floating-Sliding« Structure (ALSC); 2010-2012 (Билатерален проект со Словенија)
- Seismic safety of precast industrial buildings; 2010-2011 (Билатерален проект со Словенија)
- Harmonization of the shaking table testing procedure for medium and large scale models; 2009-2012 (Билатерален проект со Турција)
- Reduction of liquefaction hazard in urban areas – New developments; 2009–2011 (Билатерален проект со Н.Р. Кина)
- Методологија за оцена на сеизмичка повредливост на урбани културно-историски центри (2022-2023)
- Методологија за предвидување на однесувањето на армиранобетонски мостови под дејство на експлоатациони и сеизмички оптоварувања користејќи експериментален и аналитички пристап; (2020)
- Methodology for prediction of behavior of reinforced concrete bridges under serviceability and seismic loads using experimental and analytical approach; 2020
- Method for using of experimentally defined sets of modal parameters for the prediction of the response of building structures under seismic excitation and potential for damage detection; 2019
- Conceptualization and establishment of an integrated harmonized database of accelerograms recorded in the period 1975-2016 of the analogue (SMA-1) and the digital (GURALP CMG-5TD /TC) UKIM – IZIIS Strong Motion Networks; 2018
- Advanced methods for liquefaction hazard; 2017
- Definition of unified approach for processing of strong ground motion records and suitable corrective techniques; 2016
- Optimal damper placement in steel frame structures; 2015
- Development of constitutive model for vertical construction joints at arch dams; 2014
- Displacement calculation based on real-time recorded accelerations; 2013
- Methodology and experiences for repair and strengthening of buildings in Republic of Macedonia according the requirements of EUROCODE8; 2012
- Experimental verification of innovative technique for seismic retrofitting of masonry with mortar repointing (STREP); 2019-2020 (Финансиран од УКИМ-ИЗИИС, УКИМ-ГФ и АДИНГ)