Third cycle of studies

The accredited doctoral studies are in the field of earthquake engineering and are realized under the mentorship of accredited university professors, eminent experts in their field.

The programme of the doctoral studies complies with the Bologna declaration and the ECTS rules and is carried out within the frames of the integrated School of Doctoral Studies within the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. The doctoral studies at IZIIS last 3 years (6 semesters) as follows: I year – attendance and passing of lecturing subjects; II and III year – preparation and application for elaboration of a doctoral thesis – research, publishing of results, writing and defense of the thesis accompanied by participation in doctoral seminars, annual conferences and workshops. Upon accomplishment of the studies, the student is conferred the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences in Earthquake Engineering field and acquires 180 credits. Within the frames of the third cycle of educational activities, this title has so far been conferred to 55 students.

In addition to the lecturing process, the students are also actively involved in ongoing scientific-research projects and are motivated to  realize international mobility, participate  in summer schools, training courses, workshops and alike.  For the purpose of continuous support and creation of new staff in the earthquake engineering field, the Institute has long been awarding fellowships to the best enrolled students in the form of exemption from payment of the prescribed tuition fee.

Link to accredited third cycle study program in Earthquake Engineering from 2023

List of accredited mentors on third cycle of studies

Link to the study programme acredited in 2018


In accordance with the Rulebook published in the University Herald no. 530 dated 12/2020:

Study programme structure

In accordance with the Rulebook published in the University Herald no. 245 dated 2013:

Study programme structure– distribution of credits and obligations per semesters

Doctoral studies last three years and result in award of 180 ECTS credits.


The cost of the third cycle of study (doctoral studies) amounts to 5000 euros in denar equivalent.

The tuition fee is paid in 6 equal installments, at the beginning of each semester, in denar equivalent.

The tuition fee includes the amount of study costs for organizing classes, workshops and seminars, mentor, commissions and units-organizers of the research, management of the study program, University School for doctoral studies, research training, education, and not included material costs for research on the topic.

The material costs for research on the topic depend on the nature of the research (analytical, experimental or combined). The nature of the research is defined in the application for the preparation of the doctoral thesis, ie. in the proposed doctoral project.

The accepted candidates remit the first installment amounting to 350 euro in denar equivalent to the School for Doctoral Studies within the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje to the following:

  • Account: 160 010 3689 788 18
  • Income code and programme: 72301241
  • Recipient’s bank: national Bank of the Republic of Macedonia.

The rest of the full amount is to be remitted to the account of the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology.


The competitions for enrollment of students in the third cycle of studies – doctoral studies within the study programmes of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University are announced on the web site of UKIM and in the public media.


For the purpose of continuous support and creation of new staff in the earthquake engineering field, the Institute has long been awarding fellowships to the best enrolled students in the form of exemption from payment of the prescribed tuition fee. Each academic year, IZIIS announces a competition for award of fellowships to students of the third cycle of studies.

Starting from the academic year 2021-2022, the Ministry of Education and Science introduces scholarships for doctoral studies, for the first time in the country. Additional info can be found on the following link: