The concept of social accountability and raising of public awareness has represented an imperative for the Institute in the course of its long years of existence. Education and raising of public awareness about the danger and management of earthquakes are mutually connected components whose key columns have been based on existence of a joint approach and cooperation with many institutions in the course of the past years. For that purpose, IZIIS, with its experience and knowledge, has realized activities and training within the frames of the primary and secondary schools in the country as one of the most important target categories. Numerous training courses have also been realized for the employees of different organizations and diplomatic representative offices.
IZIIS has continuously been supporting exchange of knowledge and experience by organization of national and international conferences. Noteworthy international conferences that have been organized by IZIIS for the last 10 years, with huge international participation of renowned and eminent European and world names in the field are:
- 14ECEE – 14 European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (20.08 – 03.09, 2010, Ohrid)
- SE-50EEE – International Conference on Earthquake Engineering to mark 50 years since the catastrophic 1963 earthquake in Skopje (29-31.05.2013, Skopje)
- IZIIS-50 – International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology on the occasion of 50 years since the establishment of IZIIS (12-16.05.2015)

With its teams providing expert assistance to assessment of damages after strong earthquakes, IZIIS has participated in many missions after occurred earthquakes worldwide, contributing with its proved preparedness and professionalism. In the course of existence of the Institute, such expert missions were realized in former Yugoslavia (Banja Luka 1969, Montenegro 1979, Kopaonik 1980, Knin 1986), Macedonia (Gevgelija 1990, Bitola 1994, Skopje 2016, Ohrid 2017) and beyond the country (Algeria 1980, Mexico 1985, Armenia 1988, Iran 1996, Turkey 1999, Pakistan 2005, Italy 2009 and 2016, Albania 2019)