Science represents the main pillar and instigator of all activities of the Institute. The scientific-research activities of IZIIS are oriented to finding solutions and definition of bases for reduction of the seismic risk and the risk pertaining to other natural disasters. In the course of its existence, the Institute has realized a large number of international, bilateral and national scientific-research projects, contributing vastly to building and strengthening of institutional capacities for management of natural risks. During its 55 years of growth, the Institute has been developing and has permanently been maintaining intensive cooperation at an international level. IZIIS is one of the leading scientific institutions in the state that has participated in the framework programmes financed by the European Commission since their early start. As a result of its active participation, the Institute is one of the rare members of UKIM that has the role of coordinator of projects within the programmes of the European Commission. For the last decade, the Institute has participated, as a partner country, in the realization of 5 projects financed by the European Commission. Noteworthy is the participation of the Institute in a number of projects financed by NATO within the “Science for Peace” programme. So far, IZIIS has successfully realized 6 such projects out of which 3 in the last decade, in cooperation with NATO member countries and partner countries. Also, it has so far realized a large number of bilateral projects with the USA, China, Germany, Turkey, Austria, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, etc., as well as a large number of national scientific-research projects financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of N. Macedonia and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
The activities of the Institute related to science and research basically belong to the following main categories:
- Assessment of multi-hazards
- Seismic design and evaluation of response of buildings
- Engineering and infrastructure facilities, seismic vulnerability assessment, stability, sustainability, monitoring
- Geotechnical earthquake engineering
- Experimental platforms for dynamic testing
- Advanced models and techniques for risk modeling
List of selected publications that have been published in scientific journals since 2010.
For the period starting 2010 until now, IZIIS scientific staff can boast about a fruitful publishing activity with over 70 papers published in journals with impact factor, more than 150 papers published in other scientific journals, over 1200 papers published and presented at international and national conferences as well as published books and chapters in books.