Organizational scheme

The Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) is a scientific-research, higher education institution, constitutional unit of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje ( It performs higher education activity related to the second and the third cycle of studies, scientific-research and applicative activities in the scientific-research fields of earthquake engineering and engineering seismology as well as in all other scientific fields related to the basic activities of the Institute.

 In accordance with the IZIIS’ Statute, the basic activity of the Institute is organized through 6 departments, 5 laboratories and 1 center for international cooperation. The realization of the main activities is supported by the professional and administrative services of the Institute. The Institute is headed by a Director and two deputy Directors through the Institute’s bodies: the Scientific Council and the Institute’s Management.

 IZIIS has 59 employees out of whom 19 represent teaching-scientific staff, 17 account for the collaborators, 8 represent administrative and assisting-technical staff and 15 account for administrative and assisting-technical collaborators engaged on a contractual basis.

Table presenting the IZIIS staff