Мemoranda of cooperation

Since its foundation to date, the Institute has continuously been cooperating with numerous institutions and universities worldwide. This confirms one of the  basic principles of IZIIS regarding permanent promotion and upgrading of scientific-research and educational capacities. IZIIS is part of the programmes for exchange and mobility of academic staff and students (ERASMUS, TEMPUS, DAAD) realizing cooperation of multidisciplinary contents with the only goal of building a safer society for the present and future generations.

Only in the period since 2016 to date, 16 new memorandums of cooperation have been signed with:

Within the frames of ERASMUS programme, memorandums of cooperation with:


IZIIS initiated the signing of an agreement for cooperation between the University of Pavia, Italy and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

The Institute is in the last phase of formalization of the high recognition by UNESCO, i.e.,  designation of IZIIS as category 2 Institute under the auspices of UNESCO.