In 1982, within the frames of the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between the governments of former Yugoslavia and the Royal Netherlands, IZIIS established the first international course intended for upgrading of professional knowledge of civil engineers from the developing countries, recognizable worldwide under its abbreviated title CADAC (Course on Aseismic Design and Construction). This course was supported by the Department for International Education within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Royal Netherlands, IZIIS and the Council of Europe. During 26 years of its existence, 520 participants from 72 developing countries from Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe were trained. In this way, the participants in the CADAC programme became part of the world network of missionaries contributing to increase of the seismic stability and development of their countries. Today, most of them are eminent members of the academic society, highly respected professionals and national authorities, IZIIS ambassadors worldwide. The UNDP office in Skopje recognized the importance of this programme and CADAC course as an extraordinary, efficient and internationally recognized instrument promoting the culture of prevention of risks, reduction and mitigation of consequences of disasters in developing countries.